I had some amazing rides on Mac last week. I changed up my pre-ride ground work routine a bit and I think it helps loosen him up before I get on. I was able to really be present during our dressage schooling on Saturday. I could really isolate various body parts to give him an aid. For example, to collect his trot I would half-halt with my abs, for lack of a better description. To go forward and lengthen, I would change my seat - I wish I knew how to explain it . . . the only way I can describe it is I sort of sucked up his back with my seat as if I could lift it and move it forward. I'm sure that sounds weird. Anyway, it was really fun and good!
And yesterday we went for a trail ride in the woods and it was just so lovely.

It was just one of those rides where I really appreciate my horse and how good he is. I really feel like we have a good partnership and that he enjoys our outings together.
I think I might try a new saddle on him. I'm waiting to get a Heather Moffett Vogue dressage saddle on trial - I've heard people either love them or hate them - we'll see what camp I fall in! I've had a treeless saddle before (and tried lots of others) and while I found it extremely comfortable for trail riding, I actually found it hard to ride in for arena work. I think with all the special padding that you're supposed to use it creates too much bounce. Mac really seemed to like the last one I tried, but I just couldn't ride in it. Supposedly the HM has a cork panel that you can use that absorbs the excess bounce. We'll see!