Colin thought that it might be too much for our little dump trailer to get 1-2 tons, so he had the idea to rent a flat-bed trailer for the mission. Good idea. I was planning on going with him, but I've been sick and he suggested I stay home, so I did (probably for the best as I lost my voice and can't talk anyway, and how much is a sick person going help with loading hay?).
He called me from the hay barn and said that we could buy 5 tons if we wanted to. I said if it will fit on the trailer and if it is the specific hay that was tested that I wanted then go for it, so he did.
Here's what he brought home.

And the finished work.

We have enough hay to last us until next summer, by our calculations - yay!
In my appreciation of all of Colin's hard work in getting the trailer and loading AND unloading the hay, I gave him my chocolate. xoxoxo